Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Henry Jenkins' Textual Poachers, class discussion on Wednesday, November 19

Please read Henry Jenkins' Textual Poachers, with special focus on chapters 1, 2, and 6. You should be able to discuss the concept of "textual poaching" as used by Jenkins and understand his application to various forms of popular culture.

For your response, please think about how things have changed since the book was published in 1992 (before the World Wide Web was a mass phenomenon!). Does Jenkins' book help you make sense of your own engagement with popular or mass culture? Does mass culture exist the way it did 30 years ago? Think of contemporary examples that either support or undercut his analysis. If you choose to do a conventional response, please limit yourself to 750 words.

Whatever you do for a response, please make sure it is posted at the class blog by 5pm ET on Tuesday, November 18.

Here is video of the Saturday Night Live sketch featuring William Shatner that Jenkins opens his book with:

Star Trek TOS - William Shatner SNL - Get A Life - MyVideo

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